It is our aim that all pupils at Bill Quay Primary School will become proficient in mathematics, achieving confidence and competence so that they develop the maths skills needed for the future. We believe all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in maths and strive to ensure that they:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of maths, such as being able to rapidly recall number bonds and times table facts
- Can apply this knowledge rapidly to solve problems, persevering in more complex tasks
- Can reason mathematically, making connections, recognising patterns and generalising
- Can communicate mathematics using appropriate language.
Mathematics is a core subject in the National Curriculum. At Bill Quay Primary, we primarily use the White Rose framework to implement the statutory requirements outlined in the National Curriculum Programme of Study. In addition to this scheme, we are also using the DfE Ready to Progress Criteria (RTP) and the NCETM Mastering Number project to support our teaching in maths.
Ready to Progress Criteria
Using the RTP and the associated NCETM materials has helped us to identify objectives that need prioritising after the pandemic and teach in greater depth. These core concepts aim to bring greater coherence to the existing National Curriculum and summarise the most important knowledge and understanding within each year group. Building these objectives into our curriculum has helped us provide a coherent linked framework to support pupils’ mastery of the curriculum.
Mastering Number Project
The NCETM Mastering Number project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.
Our maths curriculum is based on the mastery principles of the ‘five big ideas’. These are variation, fluency, mathematical thinking, representation and structure, and making connections. Our curriculum has been mapped out across all year groups using the White Rose framework and incorporating the RTP and the Mastering Number objectives. Within each unit of maths are small steps sequenced in order of difficulty so that each build on the previous step. These blocks of learning have been organised in such a way, recognising that some topics need to be learned before others. We ensure that key objectives are met many times over throughout the year via basic skills lessons, within other topics and as ‘starters’ for whole class lessons.
In all year groups, there is an expectation that the majority of pupils will progress through the curriculum at the same pace as each other. Problem solving and reasoning tasks will provide challenge to pupils and allow those who quickly grasp the maths to investigate in greater depth. Teachers will use a range of assessment techniques to identify those pupils with misconceptions or gaps in their learning and may provide intervention in a number of ways:
- Through individual support on the same day
- Through the use of extra resources
- In review lessons or as part of basic skills lessons.
- Removing barriers, such as providing resources so that pupils can access a lesson.
- Additional out-of- class support.
Our maths lessons are structured in the following way:
- One 15-20 minute ‘basic skills’ lesson. Within this lesson, teachers will focus on rapid recall of number facts, mental maths strategies, and reinforcing and consolidating learning already taught. Teachers may also focus on pre-teaching specific content in readiness for a forthcoming lesson.
- One 45- minute lesson incorporating the White Rose scheme.
We subscribe to Mathletics, an online maths programme which pupils use both in school and at home to support their learning. Certificates of achievement are presented every Friday in our Achievement Assembly. We also use Times Tables Rockstars to support pupils in learning their times tables facts.