We are very fortunate to have our very own music maestro at Bill Quay - Mrs Kitson! She has devised a rich and varied music curriculum for our pupils (you can read more about this in the 'Music' section of our curriculum) and offers many musical enrichment opportunities too.
Weekly Singing
Each week, the classrooms and school hall ring out with the beautiful sound of pupils singing a wide variety of songs ranging from nursery rhymes to contemporary pop hits! Listen to Beatrice and Sally explain why they love our weekly singing sessions:
Mrs Kitson runs a thriving school choir, who meet once per week throughout the school year. The choir offer steadfast support to our Year 6 production each year and often showcase their talents at whole school events such as our 'Coffee and Carols' events. The choir also enjoy opportunities to sing within the local community and have previously sang at The Glasshouse International Centre for Music and Durham Cathedral.
Guitar and Piano Tuition
In addition to instruments that are learnt as part of our music curriculum, Mrs Kitson also offers pupils the opportunity to learn guitar and piano. Whilst these are private lessons outside of our music curriculum, pupils are always encouraged to perform and showcase their progress in assemblies.