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Proposal for Nursery Provision


Response to Nursery Consultation.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our recent consultation about lowering the admission age from 4-11 years to 2-11 years so that we can offer nursery provision. The consultation closed on Friday 29th November. The Governing Body has since  met to discuss the responses and has agreed that the new provision will go ahead, opening in September 2025.

The consultation responses contained many positive comments about extending the school’s age range to include 2-11 year-olds. Many stakeholders recognised the benefits an extension to the age could bring. These include fostering a cohesive learning environment from a younger age, promoting a smoother transition into Reception for children already familiar with the school’s setting, and adding an increased number of spaces for two-year-olds in the local and surrounding area.

Please find below responses to the questions raised in the consultation that we are able to answer at this time.

Will the current preschool staff TUPE across?

Preschool staff will be given the opportunity to TUPE across to our school staffing structure.

Will there be more staff integrated into the provision?

Whilst we cannot make any staffing decisions until later in the year, the provision will be led by a qualified teacher.

Will the running of the preschool change?

Yes, the provision will be teacher-led.

Are you confident you can fill spaces?

Although we plan to initially offer only 8 spaces for two-year-olds, there is a proven need in the area for this provision.

Will the two-and three-year-olds have a shared space or separated?

Whilst it is early days in the planning process, we plan to have a mix of the above at different points of the day.